intel 80386
Intel 80386

(Commonly abbreviated to "386", trademark
"Intel386") The successor to the Intel 80286
microprocessor. It was the first Intel processor with
32-bit data and address busses. It can address four
gigabytes (2^32 bytes) of memory; however, 16 megabytes is a
typical maximum in IBM PCs. The 386 allows multiple
application programs to run at the same time (when running
under 386-specific operating systems) using "{protected

The first IBM compatible to use the 386 was the Compaq
386, before IBM used it in high-end models of their PS/2
series. It is also used in HP's RS series and many

It does not require special EMS memory boards to expand
MS-DOS memory limits. With the 386, the EMS standard can be
simulated in normal extended memory, and many DOS add-ons
provide this "Expanded Memory Manager" feature.

See also Intel 80386SX, BSD386.

podobné slovodefinícia
intel 80386
Intel 80386

(Commonly abbreviated to "386", trademark
"Intel386") The successor to the Intel 80286
microprocessor. It was the first Intel processor with
32-bit data and address busses. It can address four
gigabytes (2^32 bytes) of memory; however, 16 megabytes is a
typical maximum in IBM PCs. The 386 allows multiple
application programs to run at the same time (when running
under 386-specific operating systems) using "{protected

The first IBM compatible to use the 386 was the Compaq
386, before IBM used it in high-end models of their PS/2
series. It is also used in HP's RS series and many

It does not require special EMS memory boards to expand
MS-DOS memory limits. With the 386, the EMS standard can be
simulated in normal extended memory, and many DOS add-ons
provide this "Expanded Memory Manager" feature.

See also Intel 80386SX, BSD386.

intel 80386dx
Intel 80386DX

A version of the Intel 80386 with a 32-bit {data
bus} and 32-bit address bus, a BGA. The 386DX was clocked
at 16 to 33 MHz by Intel and up to 40 MHz by AMD. It
comes in a BGA package.

intel 80386sx
Intel 80386SX

A lower-speed version of the Intel 80386. It
uses a 16-bit data bus instead of a 32-bit data bus. It has a
24-bit address bus. It is faster than the 286, and more
importantly, like the full-size 386, provides more flexibility
in running existing DOS applications. Intel's version runs at
16 MHz, while AMD's can run at up to 33 MHz. It comes in a
PFP package.


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